I've been trying to improve GTR2 AI for better racing.
Would love feedback if anyone wants to give it a test,
or if you shared your own customized settings.
AI Driver Strength="100"
AI Power Calibration="1"
AI Additional Fuel Mult="0.97000"
AI Brake Power Usage="0.99999"
AI Brake Grip Usage="0.92000"
AI Corner Grip Usage="0.98000"
AI Max Load="40000.00000"
AI Min Radius="2.00000"
AI to AI Collision Rate="40"
1. Driver Strength
(player/track specific, its the slider ingame)
2. Power Calibration
"power" best competetive option.
3. Add. Fuel
4. Brake Power Usage
0.99999 or 1.00000, basically as high as you can get.
5. Brake Grip Usage
reducing brake grip, to 0.90000-0.92000,
they brake more progressively.
better in crowded braking zones,
higher entry/apex speed and harder to divebomb.
you also remove some AI jerkiness.
6. Corner Grip Usage
i use 0.980000 as default. player/track specific.
works in tandem with the overall AI-driver-strength setting.
7. Max Load
8. Min Radius
what i think this is, is AI relativity to player car.
so if the AI "sees you" in his mirror, he gets "stressed",
basically a form of rubberbanding.
default is 30.00000, i turned it down to 2-5.00000,
did a couple of races with this turned down, its like they gained experience,
improved composure, improved wheel-to-wheel, better racing lines.
could be wrong but that is what it felt like. m
9. AI-to-AI collision
40 instead of 20.. brain hertz, mitigates weaving on straights.
I did my testing on Donington GP, Longford 1967 and Monza.. (Ferrari F430 GT2)
(make the changes in your profile PLR-file)
"Edit at your own risk!" - SIMBIN